The GPZ Symposium 2020 is hosted by the
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna
Institute of Biotechnology in Plant Production and Institute of Plant Breeding
The GPZ (Society for Plant Breeding, Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V.) holds general assemblies and scientific conferences in two-year intervals. During the preceding conference, 28.2. – 2.3.2018 in Werningerode, Germany it was decided that the following event will be held in Tulln, Austria, and organized by the plant breeding groups at BOKU. With great enthusiasm we take over this duty and will do our best to make this plant breeding symposium in February 2020 a success story. Symposium motto: DIGITAL BREEDING.
Scientific Advisory Committee
- Andreas Graner, IPK Gatersleben
- Frank Ordon, JKI Quedlinburg
- Tim Beissinger, University Göttingen
- Rod Snowdon, University Giessen
- Klaus Pillen, University Halle
- Chris Schön, TU Munich
- Albrecht Melchinger, University Hohenheim
- Jens Leon, University Bonn
- Christian Jung, University Kiel
- Thomas Debener, University Hannover
- Beat Keller, University Zürich
Local Organizing Committee
- Hermann Buerstmayr
- Susanne Weber
- Heinrich Grausgruber
- Johann Vollmann
- Sebastian Michel
- Barbara Steiner
- Maria Buerstmayr
- Christian Wagner
- Jose Esteban Moreno Amores
- Rizky Pasthika Kirana
- Magdalena Ehn
- Eva Stöger
- Heinz Himmelbauer
- Juliane Dohm
- Gerhard Adam
- Michael Gohn
- Josef Fraundorfer
- Anton Brandstetter
- Michael Oberforster
- Susanne Kirchmaier
- Elisabeth Zechner
- Franziska Löschenberger
- Angelika Weiler